
Wie Lange Hält Ein Gaming Pc

In that location is no definitive answer to this question. For case, some people will demand to upgrade their PC every year or fifty-fifty more than often, while others can become five years without needing to upgrade.

You've probably heard people talk virtually gaming PCs losing value over time, but never seen any hard data to back it upward.

I decided to find out the hard numbers for myself.

Here are the results:

A gaming PC worth $2,226 ten years ago is worth roughly $438 today, a drop of effectually 400%:

gaming pc depreciation chart over 10 year period

Nonetheless, not every component depreciated at the aforementioned rate. The rate of depreciation differed because some parts, like cases, are going to concord their value meliorate than others.

CPUs, on the other paw, are constantly existence released, and a ten-year-old CPU is going to be several times slower than the latest CPU, co-ordinate to Moore'south Law.

In addition to calculating the overall depreciation of the PC over the bridge of x years, I as well wanted to know how much each component depreciated over ten years.

Here'due south a graph of component depreciation over a ten year catamenia (higher confined hateful more depreciation):

gaming pc component depreciation chart over 10 year period

As you tin run into, the GPU, CPU and RAM lost about of their value when compared to the other components. This is to be expected, as they're being updated about often and have the largest impact on gaming performance.

The data suggest that when it comes time to upgrade, you'll probably need to upgrade your GPU and CPU first, followed by your RAM. Surprisingly, the example seemed to lose more than value than even the motherboard or hard drive. And lastly, your PSU will concord its value the best, at least in our experiment.

My findings make sense anecdotally as well - when I upgraded my PC, the first component I swapped was my graphics card, followed by the CPU and lastly the RAM.

I'm still using the aforementioned case, motherboard, difficult drive and PSU that were originally installed in the build.

Gaming PC Lifespan

This is i of the most frightening things for someone trying to go into PC gaming and information technology'south a common question I see in the r/buildapc subreddit all of the fourth dimension, followed by their parts configuration.

Hither'due south the deal:

If you think the same gaming PC you build today is going to have the exact same performance in five years, you lot'll be very disappointed at the end of the 5th year.

Graphics are constantly advancing and games are becoming more challenging to run every bit the power of computers is skyrocketing (Moore's Law).

Just that doesn't mean your PC is doomed to neglect, nor should you spend extra money to brand your gaming PC terminal longer. I wouldn't get nigh it in that direction.

With an $800 budget, let's say y'all tin fit a Ryzen 5 3600 and a GTX 1070 in your build, and you want to run all games at 1080p with loftier or ultra settings.

gaming pc

That mindset would be okay for ii-three years, but it all comes downward to your expectations, which is something yous demand to figure out yourself.

For example, permit's say Jim gets the new PC with an R5 and a GTX 1070. Jim wants to play all of the newest titles in 1080p with great settings and framerates, merely he's alright with turning his settings down a bit and not having locked 60FPS in more than demanding games.

On the other hand, Bill is edifice the aforementioned PC but has much higher expectations. He wants to run all games at 60 FPS, 1080p, with maxed-out settings.

In this scenario, Jim's PC will have a much longer 'shelf life' than Pecker'southward. Simply if you share the aforementioned mindset as Bill, should you purchase a beefy RTX 2080 Ti instead of a GTX 1070 to prolong the life of your PC?

No, not at all.

One of the best parts about edifice a gaming PC as opposed to ownership a panel is the liberty to upgrade whenever yous want.

Buy the parts that you need correct now to achieve what you desire, i.e. a Ryzen 5 and a 1070. In 2 years time, or whenever you feel is necessary, you can bandy out your graphics card for the side by side all-time affair.

gaming pc setup

Selling the GPU you lot accept and using the money to fund the purchase of your new bill of fare will help to starting time the price of the new GPU too, which is too pretty awesome.

Upgrading your PC when the time is right is the best way to get the most blindside for your cadet, instead of going all out initially, expecting your PC to last forever.

Merely remember, you have to find a rest. Don't buy a cheap graphics menu that will need to be upgraded in just 6 months. At that point y'all're only wasting money.

Finding a rest goes for more just the GPU as well. If at some point you want to swap the Ryzen 5 for a Ryzen 7, that choice is open to you too. You can add more RAM as well.

Putting a time stamp on someone'south PC isn't possible, because we all have unlike expectations from our gaming PCs.

You might autumn into the Jim camp where you're absurd with turning down some settings and non getting a completely locked 60 FPS, in which case you'll become a longer lifespan out of your PC.

Simply if you're similar Nib and y'all want to max all latest games at 1440p or even more performance than that, obviously you'll take to upgrade more often than someone with the onetime mindset.

It all comes downwardly to assessing your own expectations. Yes, you lot're going to have to upgrade. That's just a fact of life when you're gaming on a PC.

However, that's not completely a bad thing. Getting more than graphical allegiance out of your games is one of the best parts of PC gaming. Unlike consoles where functioning is locked to the entire generation, PCs can be changed at will, whenever yous desire.

How Long practise Prebuilt PCs Last?

prebuilt gaming pc setup

A prebuilt PC itself isn't going to have a longer or shorter lifespan than a custom-congenital PC based on the fact that it's prebuilt.

Prebuilt PCs aren't inherently better or worse than custom-built PCs - the just difference is they're built past someone else.

The problem, still, is that prebuilt PCs tend to be more expensive, considering you're paying for their labor, and the prebuilt PC company needs to make a profit as well.

That being said, you'd be hard-pressed to find a prebuilt PC for the same toll as a custom-built PC with better operation.

This operation discrepancy ways a $500 prebuilt PC will probably need upgrading sooner than a $500 custom-congenital PC because the prebuilt probably have slower parts, to begin with.

How Long Volition a High-Cease Computer Last?

gaming pc setup

A high-end PC will last a long time if you're willing to turn your settings downward a chip. Sure, a top-of-the-line PC volition be able to boom 1440p gaming with ease when it's first constructed.

But after a year or two goes past, you lot'll have to upgrade if yous want to maintain the aforementioned functioning.

On the other hand, if y'all're alright with turning the settings downwardly a bit, you lot won't need to upgrade at all.

For example, my friend Diego built his gaming PC when he was in the 8th grade (probably five-6 years ago at this point). He invested a lot of money in his PC at the time, opting for an i7-4790K and an R9 290X, with 16GB of DDR3 RAM, and an SSD.

His PC was an absolute monster that toll nearly $2,000 when all was said and done. He hasn't upgraded a thing aside from adding another SSD, and the PC is even so trucking forth.

Nevertheless, he's not maxing the latest titles at 1440p ultra settings, nor does he play insanely demanding games.

Still, he manages to play some of the latest AAA titles in 1080p with respectable graphics and framerates.

But if he wanted to play the latest games with the best operation, he'd accept to upgrade. Again, it all comes down to your expectations.

How Frequently Do You Update a Gaming PC?

Information technology depends on what y'all're looking to achieve. By and large speaking, most people will upgrade a component every 2-3 years. Only that doesn't mean you lot need to constantly spend hundreds of dollars.

Most people upgrade their storage, or buy a new GPU and keep everything else every bit-is. You tin can sell your GPU, and use the money to upgrade to the latest version, then in the grand scheme of things you don't accept to spend that much out of pocket, after the initial buy.

If you want to play the newest games at the best possible settings all of the time, yous'll need to upgrade yearly to proceed up. If you lot're cool with turning things downward just a bit and don't take outlandish expectations, your PC volition terminal you 3-5 years, depending on how much you invest upfront.

How Much Should You Spend on a Gaming PC?

The answer to this question is, well, it depends.

Information technology depends on how much you lot have to spend, and what kind of performance yous're looking to achieve. For a full explanation, check out our full guide by clicking here.

Are Gaming PCs Worth It?

Again, it all comes downwards to what you want to attain. The real question here should be "is spending ten amount of money on a gaming PC worth it?"

The amount of money you spend on a gaming PC (bold you spend it properly on the right components" is going to take a direct impact on operation.

I retrieve gaming PCs are worth it. You lot have PC exclusive titles, superior keyboard/mouse control, better graphics, higher framerates, a better customs, more flexibility, etc.

Not only that, but gaming PCs tin can also be used as regular computers for other tasks like editing, rendering, work, schoolhouse, etc.

Yes, gaming PCs are worth it - merely it comes down to how much you desire to spend on a gaming PC, and your expectations for performance and longevity.


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