
Best Fresh Mango Juice Recipes

top shot shot of mango juice in a glass topped with chia seeds on a wooden table with a side of mangoes on a glass bowl with a text layover

The best homemade mango juice recipe uses organic Alphonso mangoes for a terrifically sweet, nectar-like drink. Follow our step-by-step instructions with photos to larn how to make a delicious juice that'south perfect for enjoying by the glassful or including in any number of juice-based beverage recipes.

top shot shot of mango juice in a glass topped with chia seeds on a wooden table with mangoes on a glass bowl placed on top

  1. More on Mango Juice
  2. Storing mangoes, the right style
  3. How to make Mango Juice (Stepwise Photos)
  4. Expert Tips
  5. FAQs
  6. Recipe Card

More than on Mango Juice

I am somewhat of a mango juice practiced, as I love all things mango. From Mango Milk shake and Mango Smoothie, to Mango Cheesecake and Mango Pudding, this bright and tropical fruit is absolutely my favorite to include in recipes. And if given the option between a piece of mango or a drinking glass of juice, I'll happily choose the mango nectar juice every time.

Although I've been a big fan of mango juice for many years, I more than often prefer to make it specifically with organic alphonso mangoes. Hands-down these are the most prized variation of the fruit: they're large with lots of succulent, perfectly sugariness flesh.

While you tin can make a refreshing glass of mango juice with other mangoes, if you have alphonso available I highly recommend that you lot apply them.

Mangoes are nutrient rich, and then evidently it is good to include them in your nutrition. They are as well a rich source of Vitamin A, C and dietary fibre.

Here I share with you my easy mango juice recipe and tips to prepare the best, nearly refreshing mango juice from scratch. Information technology'south great to brand on a hot day, and perfect to enjoy as it is or with your favorite snacks!

Storing mangoes, the right way

Now that y'all've got a skillful quantity of mangoes from the market to make your Mango Juice at home, you must be wondering as to what is the best way to store the remaining backlog mangoes.

And why not, because the 'king of fruits' is a precious one and should exist carefully preserved, so that you can relish information technology later too.

Here'south a checklist that you should read and refer to, carefully.

When you want to store fresh mangoes for a short period

  1. Begin by checking the ripeness of the mangoes. Ripe ones are softer as compared to the unripe, harder ones. Ripe mangoes also have a fruity odour which is missing in the unripe ones.
  2. Greenish, unripe mangoes tin can be stored in dark at room temperature, in a container/jar with air catamenia. This volition guard the mangoes from insects and non cake the oxygen too.
  3. Yellow, ripe mangoes tin be stored in the fridge for about a week.

When y'all want to store fresh mangoes for a long menstruum

  1. You tin can freeze chopped fresh mangoes in ziploc bags to enjoy in the off-season. The mango should be chopped into small pieces to fit properly in the ziploc bags. Peeling the peel is optional.
  2. While packing in ziploc bags, ensure that the mango pieces are non on top of ane other. Likewise, before sealing the bags, push out as much oxygen equally possible from them.
  3. Yous should keep your ziploc numberless with mango horizontally in the freezer, for the fruit to freeze evenly.
  4. Y'all tin also brand puree from the mangoes. Freeze them in ice trays. Then remove the frozen cubes and transfer them to container or ziploc bags. Proceed in the freezer. When you want to enjoy any mango based drink or dessert, remove the frozen mango cubes and add together them while making the recipe. Yous can thaw them slightly before you keep.
  5. It is advisable to eat the frozen mangoes within half-dozen months of storing in the freezer.

Footstep-by-Step Guide

How to make Mango Juice

Peel and chop mangoes

1. First, rinse the mangoes very well under clean water. Dry out them with a make clean kitchen towel. Use a abrupt knife or peeler to skin the skins.

Offset at the bottom of each mango, and slice upward towards the more narrow finish to remove the skin, keeping as much of the mankind intact every bit possible.

TIP: To reduce the heating qualities of mangoes, soak them in water in a bowl or pan for a couple of hours.

two peeled mangoes on a white chopping board

two. Next, chop the mangoes and discard the stone. To separate the flesh from the middle pit, first piece large chunks off on both sides of the rock.

Scrape or slice through the remaining mankind and place them on the chopping board. Chop these slices and scrapings into small pieces, like in the photo below.

mangoes chopped

Make Mango Juice

3. Transfer the chopped mangoes to a blender.

chopped mangoes in a blender

4. Alloy until smooth. Add a splash of water or milk (dairy or plant-based) to thin out slightly into a flowing runny juice, if you like.

You can add a few ice cubes to make into an icy smoothie-like mango juice. Personally, I like my mango juice without anything added for the richest, creamiest and pulpy drink.

chopped mangoes blended to a thick pulpy mango juice

five. Serve the fresh juice immediately, or y'all can chill in the refrigerator. Feel free to garnish with your favorite juice or smoothie toppings, similar chopped nuts, fresh berries, herbs or seeds.

I like to add a sprinkle of chia seeds to my juice, and my family loves chopped cashews and almonds. Get creative and enjoy!

closeup shot mango juice in a glass topped with chia seeds on a wooden table with a side of mangoes on a glass bowl

Expert Tips

  • Additional flavors: I recommend that you lot do not add any additional flavorings to this mango juice recipe, to really allow the mango shine. That said, if you prefer you can combine some other fruit juice like strawberry juice, pomegranate juice, orange juice with mangoes.
  • Mangoes: Use sweet and ripe mangoes that have a firm juicy pulp, like alphonso. Avoid gristly, unripe mangoes. If your mangoes are sweetness, you admittedly practice not need to add whatever carbohydrate or sweetener.
  • Garnish and toppings: Keep a few pieces of mango intact while you lot prepare the juice. And so you tin employ these slices every bit a lovely garnish with your drinks. You could garnish with fresh herbs like mint or with berries (fresh or dried), basics or seeds.
  • For a cold juice: Add some ice cubes while blending. Or refrigerate the mango juice for a few hours. Keep the mangoes in fridge overnight earlier juicing them.
  • Consistency: To thin the consistency slightly, add h2o or a fruit juice or water ice cubes.


Tin this mango juice recipe be increased?

Yes, every bit-is this mango juice recipe makes two servings. Withal you lot can easily double or triple the number of mangoes used to make larger or more than servings. If want to store, so pour the juice in water ice trays and freeze them. In one case frozen, remove the cubes and place them in ziploc numberless or freezer safe containers. Go along the ziploc bags or containers in the freezer.

What should I serve with bootleg mango juice?

This refreshing and sweet drink is smashing to enjoy every bit it is or with well-nigh any savory snack! I honey to serve thick pulpy mango juice with Puri and even Roti.

How long does this juice keep well?

Freshly prepared mango juice definitely tastes best when enjoyed right away, simply it can be refrigerated to arrive cold. Proceed covered in the fridge for upwards to one solar day.

How do I brand mango nectar from mangoes?

To make mango nectar, simply blend the two cups of chopped mangoes with ½ to i cup h2o calculation some sugar or dearest or your preferred sweetener.

More than Summertime Drinks!

Easy fifteen mins

Mango Milk shake (ii Ways)

Easy 15 mins

Mango Lassi

Please be sure to charge per unit this recipe in the recipe card below if you take made it. For more vegetarian inspirations, Sign Up for my emails or follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter.

mango juice in a glass topped with chia seeds

Mango Juice Recipe (Homemade and Easy)

The best homemade mango juice recipe uses organic alphonso mangoes for a terrifically sweet, nectar-like drink that'southward perfect for enjoying by the glassful or including in any number of juice-based beverage recipes.

Prep Time ten mins

Cook Time 0 mins

Full Time ten mins

  • two cups chopped mangoes or two medium to large alphonso mangoes or whatever other sweet variety
  • ice cubes – optional
  • ¼ loving cup h2o or whatsoever fruit juice – optional

Prevent your screen from going dark while making the recipe

Peeling and Chopping Mangoes

  • Rinse the mangoes very well nether clean water. Dry out them with a clean kitchen towel. Use a sharp knife or peeler to peel the skins.

  • A tip is that to reduce the heating qualities of mangoes, soak them immersed in water in a basin or pan for a couple of hours before prepping them.

  • Adjacent, chop the mangoes and discard the stone. To carve up the flesh from the eye pit, first slice big chunks off on both sides of the stone.

  • Scrape or slice through the remaining mankind and identify them on the chopping lath. Chop these slices and scrapings into small pieces.

Making Mango Juice

  • Transfer the chopped mangoes into a blender.

  • Alloy mangoes until smooth. You lot tin can add together a splash of water or milk (dairy or establish-based) to thin out slightly into a creamy flowing juice, if you lot prefer.

  • You can also add some ice cubes if you like.

  • I propose you can consider leaving few mango pieces to add together them as a topping on the juice.

  • Pour the mango juice in alpine spectacles.

Serving Suggestions

  • Serve mango juice equally information technology is. Y'all tin can choose to garnish the juice with your favorite toppings, like chopped nuts, fresh berries, herbs or seeds.

  • We enjoy it with a sprinkle of chia seeds or some chopped cashews, pistachios or almonds.


  • Freshly prepared mango juice definitely tastes best when enjoyed right abroad, only information technology can be refrigerated to make it cold.

  • You can arctic the juice in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours if you plan to serve information technology afterward.

  • Or keep the juice covered in the refrigerator for up to 1 twenty-four hours.

  • Additional flavors: I recommend that you lot do not add whatsoever additional flavorings to this recipe, to actually let the mango smooth. That said, if you prefer you tin combine another fruit juices similar strawberry juice, pomegranate juice, orange juice while blending the mangoes.
  • Mangoes: Use sweet and ripe mangoes that accept a business firm juicy pulp, like alphonso. Avoid fibrous, unripe mangoes. If the mangoes are sweet, you absolutely practice not demand to include any sugar or sweetener.
  • Toppings and garnish: Continue a few pieces of mango intact while y'all set up the juice. Then you can apply these slices equally a lovely garnish with your drinks. You tin besides garnish with fresh herbs like mint or with berries (fresh or dried), nuts or seeds.
  • For a common cold mango juice: Add some ice cubes while blending. Or air-condition the juice for a few hours. Yous tin keep the mangoes in fridge overnight earlier juicing them.
  • Consistency: To thin the consistency slightly, add water or your preferred fruit juice or water ice cubes while blending mangoes.
  • Scaling: This recipe makes for two servings. You can easily double or triple the number of mangoes used to make larger or more servings.

Nutrition Facts

Mango Juice Recipe (Homemade and Easy)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 99 Calories from Fat ix

% Daily Value*

Fat 1g two%

Saturated Fatty 1g half dozen%

Sodium 2mg 0%

Potassium 277mg 8%

Carbohydrates 25g viii%

Cobweb 3g xiii%

Sugar 23g 26%

Protein 1g 2%

Vitamin A 1785IU 36%

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 1mg 67%

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 1mg 59%

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 1mg 5%

Vitamin B6 1mg 50%

Vitamin C 60mg 73%

Vitamin E 1mg vii%

Vitamin K 7µg 7%

Calcium 18mg ii%

Vitamin B9 (Folate) 71µg xviii%

Iron 1mg 6%

Magnesium 17mg 4%

Phosphorus 23mg 2%

Zinc 1mg 7%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

This Mango Juice recipe post from the athenaeum first published in May 2013 has been republished and updated on 25 May 2022.

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